Transfer More of Your Wealth to
Loved Ones and Charitable Causes

Estate Tax

Our IRS accepted Income tax solutions are based on stable tax codes that have been in place for decades and unique areas of tax law that allow significant value-added benefits for our clients.

  • Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution & Supreme Court Rulings
  • IRC 643 - Internal Revenue TITLE 26 , Subtitle A, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter J, Part 1, Subpart A, Sec 643 (a)(3),(4) and 643 (b)
  • IRC 72,101,7702 that govern all US Insurance Policies​
  • US Maltese Income Treaty - signed at Valletta Aug. 8, 608; ratified July 15, 610
Spend Thrift Trust
Private Placement Life Ins
Spendthrift with PPLI
Malta White Paper
left solutions

Our team of CPA & Attorney Specialists utilize specific tax codes to offer estate planning structures that remove assets out of the taxable estate while eliminating the 40% federal estate tax. By combining multiple tax strategies, our comprehensive estate planning provides many additional benefits to fit our client’s unique financial circumstances and goals.

  • Non-Grantor, Irrevocable, Discretionary, Complex, Spendthrift Trusts
  • Malta Pension Plan - Tax-Free Distributions and pension payments for life
  • Private Placement Life Insurance - Tax-Free Wealth Transfer
  • Various other solutions
Outcomes / Advantages
  • Maintain Control
  • Wealth & Asset Protection
  • Flexibility of Investments
  • Tax-Free Growth, Loans, & Death Benefit
  • Tax-Free Distributions & Pension Payments for Life
Challenges We Solve
  • Reducing the traditional resistance of charitable giving by solving;
    • Taxpayer loss of control over the money
    • Taxpayer loss of control over the disposition of the money
    • Taxpayer loss of investment control
    • Taxpayer loss of access to the use of the funds for financial planning purposes
  • Solve liquidity needs - through ongoing reasonable salary, management fees, or tax-free distributions to designated members/beneficiaries.
  • Control your philanthropic giving
  • Control ability to pass on family values
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