Have More Money to Pursue Your
Goals and Desired Lifestyle

Tax Elimination & Mitigation

Our IRS accepted Income tax solutions are based on stable tax codes that have been in place for decades and unique areas of tax law that allow significant value-added benefits for our clients.

  • Article 1 Section 10 of the US Constitution & Supreme Court Rulings
  • IRC 643 - Internal Revenue TITLE 26 , Subtitle A, CHAPTER 1, Subchapter J, Part 1, Subpart A, Sec 643 (a)(3),(4) and 643 (b)
  • IRC 72,101,7702 that govern all US Insurance Policies
  • US Maltese Income Treaty - signed at Valletta Aug. 8, 608; ratified July 15, 610
Spend Thrift Trust
Private Placement Life Insurance
MALTA Pension White Paper
left solutions

Our team of CPA & Attorney Specialists utilize specific tax codes and tax laws to offer various income tax mitigation or elimination solutions to fit our client’s unique financial circumstances and goals.

Non-Grantor, Irrevocable, Discretionary, Complex, Spendthrift Trusts

  • Titanium Vault Asset protection
  • Estate Benefits
  • Solve Capital Gains and Ordinary Income tax concerns
  • Contract Law NOT Statutory Law

Private Placement Life Insurance - PPLI

  • TTax-Free Growth of Assets
  • Tax-Free Death benefit
  • Tax-Free Loan
  • Flexibility of investments

IRC 453 Monetized Installment Structures

  • Tax-Free Loan
  • 30-year Tax Deferral

Malta Pension Plans

  • Titanium Vault Asset Tax -Free Distribution like a ROTH IRA
  • Eliminate tax on appreciated asset sales
  • Mitigate or Eliminate capital gains & in most cases income tax
  • Protect wealth from creditors, litigation, and divorce.
  • Maintain Control - over everything!!
  • Save unlimited amounts for retirement, and legacy goals
  • Maintain, grow and transfer wealth to generations
Challenges We Solve
1. Solve Federal & State Income tax concerns

Client at the 37% Federal bracket & CA state tax of 13% could mitigate or eliminate 50% tax on funds they wish to utilize for lifestyle expenses.

The 10 highest income tax states for 66 are:
  1. California 13.3%
  2. Hawaii 11%
  3. New Jersey 10.75%
  4. Oregon 9.9%
  5. Minnesota 9.85%
  1. District of Columbia 8.95%
  2. New York 8.82%
  3. Vermont 8.95%
  4. Iowa 8.53%
  5. Wisconsin 7.65%
2. Solve wealth protection concerns
  • Litigation
  • Creditors
  • Divorce
3. Solve Roth IRA Limitations
  • Income eligibility restrictions
  • Contribution limits
  • UBTI (unrelated business taxable income)
  • Prohibited transaction limitations
  • Investment restrictions
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